This is a transformative journey unlike any other, where the threads of your soul's tapestry merges with the dance of your life's purpose. Here you will find the alchemy of self-discovery, where shadows become portals to unlock your gifts as you welcome stepping into your highest state of being and truest self.
The Gene keys are a spectrum of human consciousness outlined by 64 different archetypes. Each archetype is divided into 3 frequencies. The shadow frequency, this is where potential suffering resides. The Gift frequency, this is what we unlock when we heal the shadow and is our unique genius. The Gift also works as a bridge to moving into the Siddhi frequency. This is our highest state of being where we achieve spiritual embodiment and realisation. When we reside in our Siddhi and this is where we see huge timeline shifts. The Gene Keys are a journey of transformation and awakening, a pathway that leads us to higher consciousness. The Gene Keys were channelled and developed by Richard Rudd.
"The Gene Keys are a living wisdom. These are teachings to imbibe, contemplate and apply in your daily life. As you allow them to percolate inside you, one by one your troubles will begin to fall away, and you will find yourself
inhabiting a new and brighter life." ~ Richard Rudd Founder of the Gene Keys
The Activation Sequence has a purpose to anchor you into your body, so you are at the centre of your inner world. It covers the 4 prime Gene Keys that you hold and the inner dynamics playing out in your life. When you bring awareness to your Activation Sequence then it can bring breakthroughs in your life. The activation sequence begins to activate dormant codes in our DNA and your Gene Keys weave through everything you experience in this lifetime.
Our 4-week journey moves through the Activation Sequence where we will bring deeper awareness into the depths of your being. Each week, we delve into a different Gene Key placement which makes up the threads of your life's tapestry:
Session 1: Your Life's Work
The essence of who you are and the most prominent thread that will run through your whole life and chart. It gives a framework for the story of your life.
Session 2: What You Are Here to Learn
Your primary challenge in life and where you biggest area for growth lies. It shows where your evolving edge will be and the lessons encoded within your DNA, guiding you towards wisdom and growth.
Session 3: What Keeps You Healthy
Here you gain understanding on what keeps you healthy and radiant. It shows how you can thrive in life through vibrant well-being, aligning body, mind, and spirit in harmonious balance.
Session 4: Your Life Purpose
This is who you came here to be. Where you will find the most fulfilment and experience the true sense of belonging in the world.
This is Nat, she came to me for a Gene Keys reading and was so elated after we finished her final session, she shared this on her IG stories!! (Yes, I also agree with Nat, it will blow your mind)
At their core, Gene Keys embody the profound wisdom that lies within each of us, waiting to be unlocked and embraced. Through receiving your Gene Keys it provides a roadmap not only to understanding, but also to transcendence and harmony.
A Gene Keys reading gives you the opportunity to heal, through a deeper understanding of the self and creation as a whole. This gives invitation to change the way you respond to life. The most profound gift of the Gene Keys is their ability to reveal our highest potentials, those states of being that can be freed from limitation. They remind us of our capacity for greatness, inspiring us to rise above our challenges and embrace the fullness of who we are.
Unlock the secrets of your soul and awaken your magic.
"I have just finished my 4 week activation sequence with Violet. I actually feel goosebumps in my body the whole time I've been working with her - my whole body is lit up with just everything she shared completely resonating and landing. Completely transforming the way that I'm looking at my own life!"
Are you ready to embark on a journey of profound self-discovery and empowerment?
If so lets delve into your Gene Keys Activation sequence together so you can discover your purpose, unlock your gifts, and embrace your highest potential!
What you can expect from a 4 week Gene Keys Activation Sequence Reading...
Exchange for x4 Sessions ~ £399
(Payment Plans available)
The Gene Keys encourage the art of contemplation, to be with our awareness. As it takes time to fully change the way we behave. To reprogram our low frequency tendencies it takes commitment. With the Gene Keys first you have to absorb the information so it becomes conscious awareness, apply the information and then embody your truth fully. You have to first mentally understand, to emotionally experience, then it becomes your life.
x4 sessions which are 1.5 hours long each
Each session we will cover 1 Gene Key placement and go through the Shadow, Gift and Siddhi frequencies
Practical guidance on how to move from Shadow into the Gift
A full A4 Journal write up of the reading notes on PDF
A space to feel held, to reflect and contemplate